Open Access
Performance of an acoustic telemetry
system in a large fishway
Ki Won Jung
, Z. Daniel Deng
, Jayson J. Martinez
, David R. Geist
, Geoffrey A. McMichael
John R. Stephenson
and Peter J. Graf
Background:The ability to track fish in the vicinity of dams and detect the presence of fish in fishways (also referred toas fish ladders) is critical to understanding the migration biology of upstream migrating fish and their passage success.Acoustic telemetry provides a valuable method within the telemetry toolbox, but has rarely been used in noisy,constrained, swift-flowing, and air-entrained environments such as fishways because of the perceived limitationsof acoustic telemetry in such environments relative to other techniques such as radio telemetry. However, therehave been no published studies that represent systematic evaluations of both detection efficiency based on number oftransmitted signals and detection probabilities based on number of fish detected in fishways for acoustic telemetry. Assuch, the efficacy of acoustic telemetry in a fishway was evaluated using both controlled field experiments andmovements of live fish at the Wanapum Dam fishway on the Columbia River in Washington State. In this study,the Juvenile Salmon Acoustic Telemetry System (JSATS) was selected because of its high carrier frequency (416.7 kHz)and short signal duration yielding good system resilience in shallow, noisy, and constrained environments.
Results:Detection efficiencies from the controlled field experiments were over 80 % (mean ± standard error(SE) = 85 ± 2 %) for most locations within the fishway at Wanapum Dam. Detection efficiency was nearly 100 %(mean ± SE = 97 ± 1 %) in the fishway entrance when the transmitters (also referred to as tags) were within 10 m of thehydrophones. The detection probabilities for the live fish experiment were 100 % at all deployment locations.
Conclusions:This study suggests that a 416.7-kHz acoustic telemetry system with binary phase shift-keyed encoding iscapable of reliably detecting fish within a large fishway, thus providing a reliable tool to enable researchers to understandand study fish behavior and their fate near and in fishways.
Keywords:Acoustic telemetry, Fishways, Detection efficiency, Detection Probabilities, Migration
Acoustic telemetry was first applied to the study of fishbehavior decades ago [1], but recently, acoustic telem-etry has become exceedingly popular and is playing animportant role in fundamental and applied fish behaviorresearch in both marine and freshwater systems [2–10].In riverine systems with barriers, fishways (i.e., fish ladders)are often installed in an attempt to facilitate passage pastthe barrier and maintain longitudinal connectivity. None-theless, fish passage science is imperfect with not all fishsuccessfully locating or ascending the fishway and thosethat do may experience sublethal alterations that influence
fitness. For example, efficient upstream passage of adultsalmonids through fishways at large hydroelectric damsmay have implications for energy reserves available forspawning [11–13]. To know all of these, it may be im-portant to be able to track the detailed movements ofthe fish from the moment they enter a dam till theyleave it (regardless of successfully ascending the fishwayor not). However, few studies [14] have been publishedon the application of acoustic telemetry in tracking fishwithin fishways or other confined spaces. Also, therehave been no published studies that systematicallyevaluate both detection efficiency, based on the number oftransmitted signals, and detection probabilities, based onthe number of tagged fish detected, in fishways.
Many studies that involve detecting fish in confinedspaces use passive integrated transponder (PIT tag)* Correspondence:zhiqun.deng@pnnl.gov
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, P.O. Box 999, Richland, WA 99352,USA
Full list of author information is available at the end of the article
technology to detect fish at fixed points within juvenilebypass systems [15–18] or in fishways [19–23]. Studieshave been conducted using a PIT tag with another tele-metric technology, such as radio telemetry [13], bydual-tagging fish [15, 16, 19] or only using a PIT tag[17, 18, 20–24]. Although it has an advantage in termsof longevity of the tag relative to other technologies,PIT tags have short detection ranges that typically areless than 1 m in the tags’ long axis, perpendicular tothe antenna [24]. Hence, PIT tags have lower detect-ability compared to other telemetry technologies, suchas acoustic and radio telemetry, when a wide coveragearea is required. As a result of the low detectability, thesample size of fish tagged may need to be considerablylarger when conducting survival studies of migratingfish to achieve the same precision in the survival esti-mation [16]. Also, it is challenging to install PIT anten-nas on many passage routes such as through turbinesor spillbays. Further, while PIT tags may provide detectiondata within the confined spaces of fishways, they cannotbe detected in dam tailraces or forebays, making themineffective for studies of overall passage behavior of migra-tory fish encountering large hydroelectric dams.
Radio telemetry also has been used in fishways by manyresearchers. For example, Gowans et al. [25] investigatedthe migratory behavior of adult Atlantic salmon throughfish ladders, and Johnson et al. [26] studied the effect ofthe water velocity at fishway openings on the migratorybehavior of adult Pacific lampreys. While radio telemetryis an effective tool for studying fish in shallow freshwaterenvironments, an antenna exterior to the tagged fish isoften used to transmit the radio signal [1]. However, anexternal antenna could become entangled [27, 28] andpossibly reduce the swimming performance of fish if theantenna is long [29].
Acoustic telemetry has several advantages over radiotelemetry and PIT technology. For example, it typicallyhas long detection ranges, good performance in deepwater, and capability of determining three-dimensionalpositions with high accuracy. Roscoe et al. [14] used anacoustic telemetry system in a fishway as a part of anevaluation of the upstream migration mortality of adultsockeye salmon. However, their study did not focus onevaluating the efficacy of acoustic telemetry in fishwaysand only reported detection probabilities of individualloggers based on number of fish detected compared tothose known to have passed logger locations.
This paper presents the first published study that eval-uates the efficacy of acoustic telemetry in a fishway. Thestudy was conducted at Wanapum Dam using the JuvenileSalmon Acoustic Telemetry System (JSATS), which wasoriginally developed by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineersto evaluate the survival and behavior of migrating juvenilesalmonids [30–32]. Since its introduction, it has been used
extensively in the Columbia River Basin [16, 30]. In thisstudy, the JSATS was selected in part because it has a rela-tively short signal duration (744 μs) compared to otheracoustic telemetry systems. This decreases the likelihood ofsignal collision due to multipath signals from highly reflect-ive structures such as fishway walls and the water surface.It was also selected because it has a high operating (carrier)frequency. Use of a higher carrier frequency is critical be-cause background noise in environments close to dams isgreater at lower frequency ranges [33]. Controlled field testsusing JSATS tags as well as a field experiment using fishimplanted with JSATS tags were conducted to measureboth detection efficiency and detection probabilities. Theobjective of this study was to evaluate the detection capabil-ity of the JSATS technology in a confined space such as afishway at a large dam. If this study is successful, the JSATSor other acoustic telemetry systems, with similar frequencyand pulse duration, can allow researchers to betterunderstand the behavior and survival of migrating fishin a confined space.
Owned and operated by the Public Utility District Number2 of Grant County, Wanapum Dam is located in southeastWashington State on the Columbia River, 669 river kilome-ters (rkm) from the mouth of the Columbia River (Fig. 1).The dam is 2,633 m long and 56 m tall and consists of a10-unit powerhouse, a 12-bay spillway, and two fishladders. The powerhouse has a generating capacity of1,092 MW. All 10 units are six-blade Kaplan turbines.
Acoustic tags
For this study, two types of JSATS acoustic tags wereused. The tags (Advanced Telemetry Systems, tag modelSS130; Isanti, MN, USA) used for the controlled fieldtesting were 12.00 mm long, 5.21 mm wide, and 3.77mm thick; the tags weighed 0.438 g in air. These tagshad an average source level of 155 dB re 1μPa at 1 m, anominal pulse repetition period of 3.0 s, and a nominaltag life of 33 days. The tags (Advanced Telemetry Systems,tag model SS300) used for the live fish experiment were10.79 mm long, 5.26 mm wide, and 3.65 mm thick; theyweighed 0.346 g in air. These tags had an average sourcelevel of 155 dB re 1μPa at 1 m, a nominal pulse repetitionperiod of 4.2 s, and a nominal tag life of 45 days. The pulserepetition period for each tag did not vary, although therewas variability in the pulse repetition period across the tags.
JSATS cabled receiver system
arrays each of which has two analog inputs, the detectionsoftware, the decoding software, a global positioning system(GPS) card, and a GPS antenna [30–32]. When an acousticsignal is transmitted from a tag, the hydrophones receivethe signal, which is transferred to the amplifier where thesignal is band-pass filtered around the carrier frequency of416.7 kHz and amplified. The filtered and amplified signalthen is fed to the digital signal processing card, which con-tains detection software that checks the incoming data todetermine if it contains a potential signal from a tag. If anyof the hydrophone signals contain a potential detectionfrom a tag, data are sampled at a frequency of 2.5 MHz,digitized with 16-bit resolution, and written to the hard
drive using a filename that includes the high-accuracy GPStime. After the data are written to the hard drive, thedecoding software [34] reads in the raw data and deter-mines the presence of a tag code. If a tag code is detected,the decoding software checks the validity of the tag code byperforming a cyclic redundancy check.
installed in the weir pool on 24 April 2014 (Fig. 3), just up-stream of the fish slide. Also, one hydrophone (H3) was in-stalled in the forebay near the outfall of the fish slide on 29April 2014. The approximate water depth for both the weirpool and the forebay was 2 to 3 m. The system located inthe middle portion of the fish ladder had four hydrophones(H4 to H7), each of which was installed in different pool ofthe fish ladder on 7 May 2014. The dimension of each poolwas 3 × 5 m, and the water depth was approximately 2 m.The system deployed in the collection channels had pairs ofhydrophones installed for both the south (H8 and H9) andnorth (H10 and H11) entrances on 29 April 2014. Thewidth of both collection channels was approximately 5 m,
and the water depth was approximately 3 to 4 m. Data werecollected by all systems through 15 July 2014.
Controlled field experiments
After each JSATS cabled receiver system was installed,controlled field tests were carried out to evaluate theperformance of the system. For the JSATS cabled re-ceiver system near the weir pool of the fish slide (Fig. 3),the controlled experiments were conducted separatelyin the weir pool and the forebay below the weir pool.For these tests, three tags were attached to the line of afishing rod and were immersed in the water at approxi-mately the middle of the water column. A weight wasFig. 2Locations of the three deployed JSATS cabled receiver systems. The locations are in the left (east) bank fish ladder system at Wanapum Dam. Eachreceiving system monitored three to four hydrophones simultaneously
attached to the terminal end of the line in order for thetags to be fully immersed in the water. The separationbetween two adjacent tags was approximately 20 cm inthe vertical direction, and the tags were approximately2 to 3 m away from the hydrophones. Each test wasperformed for 10 min. For the JSATS cabled receiversystem inside the middle portion of fish ladder, thethree tags were immersed into the water of each poolcontaining a hydrophone at approximately the middleof the water column, using the same setup as in the weirpool. Their distance from each hydrophone was approxi-mately 2 to 3 m. Each test was performed for 10 min.
System performance data were also collected in thecollection channels near the lower entrance of thefishway. Because of the limited access to the water inthe collection channels, it was impossible to easily ad-just the distance between the tags and the hydro-phones by casting the fishing line. Thus, for the JSATScabled receiver system in the collection channel, thethree tags were attached to an approximately 2-m-longpiece of rope (with a weight attached to the terminal end ofthe rope) and were positioned in the mid-depth of waterunder a 23-cm buoy. Another spool of rope was connectedto this 23-cm buoy to control the distances between thetags and the hydrophones by letting the buoy float towardsthe desired positions. When the buoy was in position, a testwas performed for 5 min at each location. At the south en-trance, tests were conducted at distances of 1, 10, 30, and50 m from hydrophones H8 and H9. In the north entrance,tests were conducted at distances of 1, 10, and 20 mfrom hydrophone H10, which was farther upstream (10, 1,and 9 m, respectively, from the hydrophone H11).
For all tests, the results were processed by calculating thedetection efficiency of each tag. The detection efficiency isdefined as the ratio of the number of valid detections of thetag to the expected number of tag transmissions within theduration of the test (i.e., 5 or 10 min).
Background noise levels
Background noise levels at each location in the confinedspaces were estimated from data collected with thedeployed JSATS cabled receiver systems. Before beingdeployed, each hydrophone was calibrated as a function ofthe frequency in a tank lined with anechoic materials inthe Pacific Northwest National Laboratory’s Bio-Acousticsand Flow Laboratory (BFL) [35]. The BFL is accredited bythe American Association for Laboratory Accreditation(A2LA) to ISO/IEC 17025:2005, which is the internationalstandard for calibration and testing laboratories. Thehydrophones (Model SC001, Sonic Concepts Inc., Bothell,WA, USA) have a sensitivity of −180 dB re 1 V/μPa at416.7 kHz. From data files collected by the JSATS cabledreceiver systems, portions that did not contain any trans-missions of tag signals were selected and were considered
to contain only background noise. Next, from the back-ground noise portions, a frequency range between 375.0and 458.0 kHz was selected so the bandwidth of the signalbecomes 20 % of the carrier frequency of 416.7 kHz. Usingthe calibration data, the filtered voltage data were used tocalculate the pressure spectral density, which was then in-tegrated over the frequency range described above to com-pute the background noise level. For comparison, thebackground noise level in the BFL acoustic test tank alsowas estimated using the same types of instruments as inthe field.
Tagged fish experiment
As part of a larger effort to evaluate upstream passagethrough a fish ladder with temporarily reduced flowsand a modified exit structure at Wanapum Dam, 50adult spring Chinook salmon were collected at the PriestRapids Dam Off-Ladder Adult Fish Trap (rkm 639) from26 to 29 April 2014, and were surgically implanted withacoustic transmitters (Advanced Telemetry Systems, tagmodel SS300) while anesthetized [36]. After each tagwas implanted, the surgical opening was sutured [37],and the fish were released into the fish ladder at PriestRapids Dam so they could freely migrate to WanapumDam (30 km upstream) on their way to their natalstreams upstream of Rock Island Dam (rkm 730). Thesefish were monitored by the three JSATS cabled receiversystems installed at Wanapum Dam during the migra-tion from Priest Rapids Dam to Rock Island Dam. Theresults were processed by calculating the detection prob-ability and the median number of detections per tag foreach of the three locations where JSATS cabled receiversystems were installed. The detection probability was de-fined to be the ratio of the detected number of fish tothe expected number of fish. The expected number offish is defined as the number of fish that were supposedto pass this route after the JSATS cabled receiver sys-tems were installed. For example, 43 fish were expectedin the weir pool because seven fish were confirmed tohave already passed the dam via another route (the fish-way on the other bank of the river). In addition, 49 fishwere expected in the collection channels due to the factthat one fish passed before the JSATS cabled receiversystem was deployed there. Finally, six fish were ex-pected to pass the fish ladder because only six fish wereconfirmed to remain in the fish ladder when the JSATScabled receiver system was deployed in this location.
Results and discussion
Background noise
background noise level was 93 dB re 1 μPa, and in thecollection channels, the mean background noise levelswere 101 dB re 1μPa and 95 dB re 1μPa for the southentrance and the north entrance, respectively.
Controlled field tests
For the JSATS cabled receiver system deployed near thefish slide, the detection efficiency for each hydrophone ispresented in Table 1. The detection efficiencies for hydro-phones H1 and H2 individually ranged from 51 to 69 %,and the detection efficiencies for the immediate forebay(hydrophone H3) ranged from 82 to 90 %. Because bothhydrophones H1 and H2 were located in the same weirpool, the combined detection efficiency of these two hy-drophones is presented to represent the detection effi-ciency of the transmitted signal in the weir pool. As aresult, the combined detection efficiencies for the weirpool were higher than 80 % for all three test tags.
For the system deployed in the middle portion of thefish ladder, downstream of the weir pool, each hydro-phone represents the pool in the fish ladder in which itwas installed. Among 12 scenarios (i.e., three tags at fourpool locations), detection efficiencies in seven scenarioswere greater than 80 % (Table 2). Compared to the otherlocations, the system in the middle portion of the fishladder had lower detection efficiency when tags wereheld within 3 m of each hydrophone (H4 to H7). Thiswas the case even though the background noise in thefish ladder at that location was lower than those at theother locations. This lower detection efficiency was likelydue to the relatively high water velocity and shallowwater inside the fish ladder.
For the system deployed in the collection channels, apair of two hydrophones was installed in both the south(H8 and H9) and north (H10 and H11) entrances. In thesouth entrance, the mean detection efficiency was 86 %for H8 and 96 % for H9 when the tags were 1 m awayfrom the hydrophones but decreased to 74 % and 78 %when the distance increased to 10 m (Fig. 4). When thetags were 30 to 50 m away from the hydrophones, themean detection efficiency of an individual hydrophoneranged from 18–53 %. The mean combined detection
efficiency was greater than 90 % (98 % and 94 %) up tothe distance of 10 m but dropped below 80 % (71 % and56 %) when the tags were 30 m or more away from thehydrophones. When one-way ANOVA (p < 0.05) andTukey’s HSD (p < 0.05) were applied to the combineddetection efficiency, a statistically significant differencein group means between the groups was found (p= 7.49 ×10−7), but there was no significant difference foundbetween the data at 1 m and at 10 m (p = 0.42). Onthe other hand, the mean detection efficiency of individualhydrophones was greater than 80 % (82 to 99 %), and themean combined detection efficiency was at least 98 % forall distances in the north entrance (Table 3). The meandetection efficiency of individual hydrophones was con-sistently higher at the north entrance than at the south en-trance when comparing the results from the samedistance (1 or 10 m). This observation is consistent withmeasurements of higher background noise levels at thesouth entrance (i.e., by approximately 6 dB) than at thenorth entrance. Overall, the mean combined detectionefficiency ranged from 94 to 99 % if the tags were within
Table 1Detection efficiency near the weir pool at Wanapum Dam
Detection efficiency in the weir pool Detection efficiencyin the forebay
Tag number H1 (%) H2 (%) Combined (%) H3 (%)
1 68 51 85 87
2 59 56 81 90
3 69 54 90 82
Mean 65 54 85 86
Locations of the hydrophones and the JSATS cabled receiver system areindicated in Fig.2
Table 2Detection efficiency in the middle portion of the fishladder at Wanapum Dam
Detection efficiency
Tag number H4 (%) H5 (%) H6 (%) H7 (%)
1 60 70 65 78
2 81 86 73 80
3 90 93 84 81
Mean 77 83 74 80
Locations of the hydrophones and the JSATS cabled receiver system areindicated in Fig.2
10 m of individual hydrophones at each location in thecollection channels.
Live fish experiment
For all three locations, the detection probability was100 % (Table 4). Here, the expected number of fish iscalculated based on the number of fish that were ex-pected to pass the individual route during the time eachJSATS cabled receiver system was deployed at each loca-tion. For comparison, Roscoe et al. [14] reported detec-tion probabilities of 91 %, 75 %, and 100 % at thebottom, the midpoint, and the top pool of the fishway atSeton Dam in British Columbia, respectively. The differ-ence in detection probabilities between the two studiesis likely due to the fact that both the carrier frequencyand the pulse duration were different for the systemsused in each study. The JSATS uses the carrier fre-quency of 416.7 kHz, while the system used by Roscoeet al. had a carrier frequency of 69 kHz. Systems thatuse lower carrier frequencies typically have longer de-tection ranges in lentic and marine environments thansystems that use higher carrier frequencies. However,when working at and near hydroelectric dams, back-ground noise usually affects systems with lower carrierfrequencies more because the background noise is typ-ically significantly greater at lower frequency rangesthan at higher frequency ranges [33]. In addition, theJSATS utilizes a 744-μs pulse duration compared tothe 10-ms pulse duration of the system used by Roscoeet al. [14]. With the narrow width and shallow water depthconfined by highly reflective walls in fishways, fewer colli-sions between the transmitted signals and reflected signalswould be expected at the 744-μs pulse duration.
The number of tagged fish expected in the fish ladderwas small because the JSATS cabled receiver system wasinstalled at that location on 7 May 2014, when only sixof the tagged fish had not yet been confirmed to havepassed the dam. The expected number of fish in the weirpool was 43 because seven fish passed the dam via an-other route that was not covered by the JSATS cabledreceiver systems. Fish spent a median of 3.3 days in thecollection channels, although most fish would enter andleave the collection channel multiple times before mov-ing all the way through the ladder. On the other hand,fish spent a median of 10.9 and 16.1 min within the de-tection range of the JSATS cabled receiver systems inthe middle portion of the fish ladder and in the weirpool, respectively. Therefore, the hydrophones in thecollection channels had significantly higher numbers ofdetections than hydrophones installed in the weir pooland the middle portion of the fish ladder.
Controlled field experiments demonstrated that theJSATS cabled receiver systems can reliably detect theacoustic signal from tags in confined spaces, includingthe fish ladder entrance (i.e., collection channels), insidethe fish ladder, and in the weir pool. The detection effi-ciency of static tags, based on number of transmittedsignals, exceeded 80 % for most locations and rangedfrom 94 to 99 % in the fish ladder entrance when thetags were within 10 m from all hydrophones. This resultmay suggest that the JSATS cabled receiver systems candetect the tagged fish in confined spaces such as fish-ways. A small field study consisting of 50 adult springChinook salmon implanted with acoustic tags confirmedthe findings of the controlled field experiments. TheJSATS cabled receiver systems had a 100 % detectionprobability of the tagged fish at each deployment location.Even at the locations with the relatively low median num-ber of detections of 41 (fish ladder) and 86 (weir pool), dueto the short residence time of the fish, detection probabil-ities were 100 %, although for the former sample size, therewere only six fish. The results of this research will allow sci-entists to better understand the behavior of fish in confinedspaces such as fishways and to design better migrationstudies involving fishways. The need to implant anTable 3Detection efficiency in the north entrance of the collection channel at Wanapum Dam
Detection efficiency (%) Detection efficiency (%) Detection efficiency (%)
Tag number H10 (1 m) H11 (10 m) Combined H10 (10 m) H11 (1 m) Combined H10 (20 m) H11 (9 m) Combined
1 86 88 97 88 100 100 88 87 97
2 96 78 99 87 99 99 77 97 100
3 98 93 99 91 99 99 82 97 99
Mean 93 86 98 89 99 99 82 94 99
Locations of the hydrophones and the JSATS cabled receiver system are indicated in Fig.2
Table 4Overall detection probabilities and median number ofdetections per fish at Wanapum Dam
Location Expectednumberof fish
Detectednumberof fish
Detectionprobability (%)
Median numberof detectionsper fish
49 49 100 4927
Fish ladder 6 6 100 41
additional PIT tag in fish used for a study that concernsone-way migration also might be eliminated if the onlypurpose of the PIT tag is to confirm the presence ofthe tagged fish in a fishway. In addition, the resultsreported in this study are applicable to other acoustictelemetry technologies that have a carrier frequencyand pulse duration comparable to JSATS.
JSATS:Juvenile Salmon Acoustic Telemetry System; PIT: passive integratedtransponder; GPS: global positioning system; A2LA: American Association forLaboratory Accreditation; BFL: Bio-Acoustics and Flow Laboratory.
Competing interests
The authors declare that they have no competing interests.
DRG, GAM, PJG, and ZDD conceived, designed, and coordinated this study.KWJ, JRS, and JJM carried out the data acquisition, and KWJ, JJM, and ZDDcarried out the data analysis. All authors wrote and approved themanuscript.
The authors would like to thank the Grant County Public Utility District forproviding the opportunity to conduct this study and for funding the work.Without the help of Tao Fu, Yong Yuan, Kyle Larson, Richard Brown, P. ScottTitzler, Kate Deters, Ricardo Walker, Bryan Jones, and Stephanie Liss, thisstudy, including both the controlled experiments and the live fishexperiments, would not have been possible. For the live fish experiments, allanimal handling was performed under an approval (2014–09) issued by theInstitutional Animal Care and Use Committee of Battelle.
Author details1
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, P.O. Box 999, Richland, WA 99352,USA.2Grant County Public Utility District, Ephrata, WA, USA.
Received: 8 December 2014 Accepted: 14 April 2015
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